Friday, May 11, 2012

A Chillers book finally coming on South Dakota????

Well, the day has finally come. I fondly remember talking with my friend and the co-creator of this blog Chris Bly (please hold your applause, this is a serious matter) at lunch in seventh grade a couple years back about all of the stereotypes that Rand has introduced into his books, which mostly take place in the generic state capitol, as if Johnathan Rand just looks at the big book of state capitols for his research. (For a couple examples, the only research he did on North Dakota was that they had a zoo in the state capitol, the only research that he did on Minnesota was that they have four seasons, you tell me how that works, and the only research he did on Nebraska was that the protagonist lived in a farm OUTSIDE the state capitol.) I for one, used to live in Nebraska, (yes, I am from the midwest, but I am certainly not a hick.) in a town that contained 24,000 people. It is certainly not the biggest city in the world, but it is still far bigger than a simple farm. Believe it or not, not all midwesterners are farmers, Omaha, Sioux Falls, and Des Moines being a few good examples of cities with almost 1 million people. This is what rubs me the wrong way the most about Rand, that he throws out random stereotypes against the people who live far away from him, and does little research on the places. He does such a small amount of research, usually a few sentences at most, (one of which has to be the name of the state capitol, I know, breathtaking research) that when he does the books from his home state, Michigan, you feel blown away at how much you learn about one town in partictular, (around a page of trivia) whereas Rand feels like he can sum up an entire state in a couple sentences.

Anyway! Well, it seems as if Johnthan Rand has finally gotten to South Dakota. I fondly remember talking to Chris about what he will do to butcher the good name of our state when he gets around to it. Chris predicted that the protagonist would live on a farm outside the state capitol, Pierre. He also claimed that Rand would include aliens or something bogus like that and have the final showdown on Mount Rushmore, like in North By Northwest. I reminded Chris that although farmland is an important part of our state's economy, he will not do enough research to discover that, so it would be more likely that the main character would be a hick in the black hills, like a children's version of Deliverance, or maybe Wrong Turn.  Or, he could live on an Indian reservation in the Badlands. I do still agree that there will be something involving Mount Rushmore, though, but I stand by my argument that Rand will not do enough research to discover that about half of our state is farmland, the other half: mountains, mining, and dams.

Here's the title: Savage Dinosaurs of South Dakota. It is basically about a dinosaur oriented theme park located in the middle of nowhere. And what better place to put it than in the middle of South Dakota? After all, it is where all the people in witness protection come. It is about a girl named Autumn (?) and her friend Brady (?) who love dinosaurs. One day, they discover that an eccentric billionaire will be making a theme park oriented around dinosaurs. In fact, the logo is online now.

Actually, no. Whereas that actually had thought and creativity put into it, this just ripped off the idea of a dinosaur theme park and switched out cloned dinosaurs with robots to avoid plagarism. And another thing. Why are they so excited about this millionaire's park if it's just a bunch of robots? Well, Johnathan Rand hasn't ever included robots in his books.
Judging by the look of the park, it looks like the park will take place in the badlands. This is pretty creative. Dinosaurs roamed there long ago and the landscape is beautiful. So, I do support the park taking place there. But I am more curious as to where the kid lives. That is where it gets interesting. To see what stereotypes he will thow at us.
Tell us what you think of the book. Do you think that it will take place at Mount Rushmore? On a farm? In a mountain shack? On a reservation in the badlands?

Anyway, I will review this book as soon as possible. You can read the description here:

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