Monday, November 25, 2013

Happy (be-lated) birthday to the author we love to hate...

It would seem that today is a special day.

That's right! The day after Johnathan Rand's birthday.

You see, I was unable to access the blog yesterday but I did post a little something on my Facebook page wishing Johnathan Rand a very happy birthday. Since a birthday is virtually every holiday combined (seriously, you get presents, a meal of your choice, the whole she-bang), I feel it necessary to wish Rand a birthday on the 25th of November, despite the fact that he was born yesterday.

Happy birthday, big guy.

PS: It would seem that we have more Chillers books on the way!! The Wicked Waterpark of Wyoming is just the latest book coming out. Can't wait to get my hands on a copy. Also from Michigan Chillers: Catastrophe in Caseville (about a giant killer cheeseburger, no, not kidding) and more Freddie Fernortner books.

No more Fernortner, please. PLEASE!!!